Foreclosure / Bankruptcy / Debt Collection
Mortgage and Housing Assistance (CFPB)
This website consolidates the CARES Act mortgage relief, protections for renters, resources for additional help, and information on how to avoid COVID-19 related scams.
Español Asistencia hipotecaria y de vivienda (CFPB)
Coronavirus and Your Mortgage (FTC)
Learn more about the options that may be available to you if you are unable to make your mortgage payments.
COVID-19 OIG Bulletin for Homeowners (HUD)
Review an outline of the guidance the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) has provided for borrowers and servicers to implement the forbearance provisions of the CARES Act.
Avoiding Foreclosure (HUD)
Provides information to help with your current foreclosure or the potential of foreclosure in the future.
Español Guía para evitar la ejecución hipotecaria
Federal Reserve Mortgage and Foreclosure Resources
Provides information about Foreclosure Resource Centers established to help address local and regional challenges in mortgage markets and local communities.
Know Your Options (Fannie Mae)
Explore various alternatives to foreclosure, including a refinance, a loan modification, a short sale, or a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure.
Español Conozca sus opciones
National Mortgage Foreclosure Settlement
Although the time frame for applying for settlement has ended, you can learn more about the relief that was offered to distressed borrowers.
Struggling With Your Mortgage Payment? (HUD)
Get in touch with a counselor or your mortgage servicer to find out how you can save your home despite financial difficulties.
Español Encuentre una agencia de asesoramiento hipotecario si tiene dificultades para conservar su casa
Mortgage and Housing Assistance (CFPB)
This website consolidates the CARES Act mortgage relief, protections for renters, resources for additional help, and information on how to avoid COVID-19 related scams.
How to Get Out of Debt (FTC)
Here are some things to know if you need help getting out of debt.
Español Cómo salir de la deuda (FTC)
How to Get Out of Debt (FTC)
Debt Collection
Resource Available for Military Families Affected by COVID-19 (CFPB)
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has designed a tool for financial educators, counselors, and agents to assist military families impacted by the pandemic with repairing their finances and meeting financial goals.
Your Credit and the CARES Act (CFPB)
Ensure your credit is not negatively impacted if you've received assistance from lenders or creditors due to COVID-19.
Five Tips for When You Can't Pay Your Bills (CFPB)
Get some short-term planning tips to help you cover your monthly obligations when there isn't enough money.
Behind on Car Payments Because of the Coronavirus? (FTC)
Are you worried that you won't be able to make your next car payment because you've lost your job or income because of the Coronavirus? Here's what you can do.
Coronavirus and Dealing with Debt: Tips to Help Ease the Impact (CFPB)
Learn possible steps to take if you have trouble paying your debts during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Español Lidiando con el coronavirus y deudas: Consejos para aliviar el impacto
Protect Yourself Financially From the Impact of the Coronavirus (CFPB)
Find resources for consumers who have lost their income or are unable to pay their debts as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Debt Collection (CFPB)
Resources to help you understand how debt collection works and to help you know your rights.
Debt Collection FAQs (FTC)
Know your rights under the Fair Debt collection Practices Act when debt collectors contact you.
Español Cobranza de deudas
Debts and Deceased Relatives (FTC)
Understand whether you are responsible to pay the debt of a deceased family member.
Español Deudas de familiares fallecidos
Garnishing Federal Benefits (FTC)
If you have unpaid debt, learn which federal benefits may be exempt from garnishment by a debt collector.
Español Embargo de beneficios federales: Sus derechos
How Can I Verify Whether or Not a Debt Collector is Legitimate? (CFPB)
Learn how to spot a debt collection scam.
Resource Available for Military Families Affected by COVID-19 (CFPB)