If you have a problem with a bank or other financial institution, contact the Federal Reserve for help.

"Can a bank"

temporarily close its branch or lobby during a pandemic or natural disaster?

garnish my Social Security check?

remove deposits from my account after the funds are made available for withdrawal?

wait to give me access to the money that I deposit?

post withdrawals from my account from the largest dollar amount to the smallest to get more overdraft fees?

refuse to cash my check?

change the terms on my deposit account?

increase the rate or add fees to my credit card account?

keep the rate on my mortgage loan the same even if the Fed lowers the interest rate?

require an escrow account for my home loan?

ask me for additional information when I make a large deposit or withdrawal?

require me to provide personal information to get a loan or open a deposit account?

send me a notice stating that I'm denied credit even though I did not apply for a loan?

not give me back my checks?